Gezan / It Was Once Said To Be A Song
Album: It Was Once Said To Be A Song   Collection:General
Artist:Gezan   Added:Jun 2014
Label:Important Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-06-13 Pull Date: 2014-08-15

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 19, 2014: fried egg
Mishima Lipstick
3. Jun 17, 2014: Meow
Full Claw Lunar Surface
2. Jun 18, 2014: Brownian Motion

Album Review
Reviewed 2014-06-11
Holy wackamoley is this intense. Sounds like Melt-Banana’s redneck cousins’ answer to the Gummo soundtrack. Reminiscent of weird 80s Japanese noise-punk, but with an even weirder electro-industrial thing going on, Gezan’s 2010 debut album has been reissued stateside at the behest of Acid Mothers Temple’s Kawaboto Makata, who cites them as his favorite live band. Merzbow raves: “Your blood dyes the shattered sky as dark as red can be. Gezan is awesome!” Disorienting, manic, but such a rewarding listen, I highly recommend this for all radio shows willing to risk permanently damaging listeners’ hearing. All tracks great. FCC clean, no words are discernible.

1. Slow caveman bass and whispered vocals sounds industrial-ish at first, but then jumps into manic warp-speed insanity.
2. Maintains a sloppy, monotonous garage-rock riff throughout—Thee Oh Sees meets Boredoms, maybe? Some seriously disturbed funky drum breakdowns occur intermittently.
3. Deranged as hell, like another galaxy’s answer to Suicide. Fast, distorted beats with robotic warbling, as catchy as a dropping a chalkboard on your fingernails.
4. A longer, slower one, mostly with distorted voices chanting or screaming, some slow dirgey Swans-ish beats here and there
5. Sloppy, slow and dissonant psych-rock with alien robot vocoder chants
6. Starts and ends with 40 seconds of Japanese film dialogue, with short bursts of noise, screaming, and heavy stereo panning effects
7. 80s Japanese hair metal plaed through a boombox, the hypnotoad tries to take over the signal at the end
8. Mostly a slow psychedelic ballad, but chorus and reverb effects grow until the delay produces some feedback, grows massive, everything ends in chaos

Track Listing
1. Full Claw Lunar Surface   5. Beetle Tongue
2. Mishima Lipstick   6. Man
3. Doddoril Blues   7. Resonance
4. Full Reconciliation Beetle   8. Knee In The Spring