Abel, Mark / Terrain Of The Heart
Album: | Terrain Of The Heart | Collection: | Classical | |
Artist: | Abel, Mark | Added: | Jun 2014 | |
Label: | Delos Productions |
Album Review
Reviewed 2014-06-13
Reviewed 2014-06-13
Mark Abel has forged an original style that blends elements of classical, rock and jazz. This disc’s art songs feature the gorgeous voices of sopranos Jamie Chamberlin and Ariel Pisturino, accompanied by pianist Victoria Kirsch, transporting the listener with lovely melodies and engaging, albeit sometimes mildly dissonant harmonies. The Dark-Eyed Chameleon (artful lyrics by Abel) is a searing story of a disintegrating love relationship. The 1st song generates an unsettled mood and has a melancholy close. The 2nd recounts the heady intoxication of first attraction, while the 3rd introduces darkness, the 4th a poignant recollection of the ex-lover’s young daughter, and the last the grief of breakup. Five Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke captures the mystery and angularity of Rilke’s refined language. The 1st song is mysterious, reflective; the 2nd optimistic, celebrating beauty; the 3rd sounds the disquietude of human vulnerability, the 4th a secure here-and-now, and the 5th warmth, wonder, even ecstasy. Rainbow Songs (artful lyrics by Abel) conveys optimistic sentiment, idealized love, moments of loneliness, lyrical states and joyous energy, with tone paintings whose pleasures invite repeated listening.
Track Listing