Andy Mineo / Never Land
Album: Never Land   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Andy Mineo   Added:Feb 2014
Label:Reach Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-03-07 Pull Date: 2014-05-09 Charts: Hip-Hop
Week Ending: May 11 Apr 20 Apr 6 Mar 23 Mar 16 Mar 9
Airplays: 1 1 2 2 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 01, 2014: Lift Jesus Higher!
Never Land (Feat. Marz)
4. Apr 13, 2014: ReJOYce in Jesus Ministries presents "Lift Jesus Higher!"
You Can't Stop Me
2. May 04, 2014: Lift Jesus Higher Pt 2
Never Land (Feat. Marz)
5. Apr 03, 2014: Sunshine ... in the Afternoon
Paganini (Feat. Kb & Canon)
3. Apr 13, 2014: Lift Jesus Higher, Part 2
You Can't Stop Me
6. Mar 30, 2014: ReJOYce in Jesus presents Lift Jesus Higher
All We Got (Feat. Dimitri Mcdowell)

Album Review
Reviewed 2014-02-24
Andy Mineo/Never Land/Reach Records
A good mix of fast, medium and slow tempo cuts along with some dope guest spots make this album one that true hip hop heads will appreciate. This Christian hip-hop artist uses lightning fast delivery, hard hitting, blunt rap lyrics over techno flavored beats throughout. Join that with the high quality production found on this album and you have a winning combination! No FCC violations. Favorite tracks are: 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. Reviewed by Dan Reese of “Lift Jesus Higher!”

*1) 4:00 - Med/Fast tempo. High energy. Muted synths, almost 80s style e-piano sounds, heavy on the effects and drums.
*2) 4:11 - Med/Slow. Love the female vocalist. Emotional beat with muted snares, almost clapping sounds, rolling hi hats which all fade out into a muted rhythm for the verse where the 808s and regular hi hats are emphasized.
*3) 5:10 - Slow/Med. Acoustic guitars, and folksy picked electric guitar on top of that. Heavy bass guitar sound with a nice piano sound underneath to help with melody. Smooth jazz feel. The break into the chorus is pretty dope, too. Nice male vocalist on hook.
*4) 3:34 - Med tempo. Dope flow on this track. Heavy on the synths with a nice e guitar riff, intertwined sparsely, and a muted e guitar riff carrying the melody.
*5) 4:36 - Slow tempo. Horns on intro set the mood, and crazy drum sets are peppered with a synth that sounds more like a scream at times. Heavily truncated hi hat hits and snares. Kick drums make this track slap- great production.
6) 4:51 - Med/fast tempo. Heavy on synths and bass line (which is almost consistently played thru the verses). Canon (featured artist) destroys this beat, too. Club beat. Even throws in a little old school beat boxing in the groove, too.
7) 4:12 - Slow/med tempo. This is Andy just having fun on a song. This beat goes hard. The way the beat switches up into more of a muted latin feel is pretty tight tho. Just has a crazy musical feel to it, which perfectly fits this type of a song.

Track Listing
1. Never Land (Feat. Marz)   5. All We Got (Feat. Dimitri Mcdowell)
2. Paisano's Wylin' (Feat. Marty Of Social Club)   6. Paganini (Feat. Kb & Canon)
3. You Can't Stop Me   7. Death Of Me
4. Rewind (Feat. Kam Parker)   .