No Bs! Brass / Rva All Day
Album: Rva All Day   Collection:General
Artist:No Bs! Brass   Added:Mar 2014
Label:Electric Cowbell Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-03-21 Pull Date: 2014-05-23
Week Ending: May 18 May 11 May 4 Apr 27 Apr 20 Apr 13 Apr 6 Mar 30
Airplays: 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 12, 2014: Box of Chocolates
4. May 05, 2014: Box of Chocolates
2. May 07, 2014: Funk to Folk
Love Seat
5. May 03, 2014: Music Casserole
3. May 05, 2014: Pumping Iron
Git It Awn!
6. Apr 30, 2014: Funk to Folk

Album Review
Young Mick
Reviewed 2014-03-17
Artist: No BS Brass! Album: RVA All Day
Label: Electric Cowbell Records Reviewed: 3-3-2014 by Young Mick

DANCE/FUNK/JAZZ/ROCK/BRASS. Unique fusion brass band w/ no comparisons from Richmond, Virginia (hence, RVA). Intense, rock-style drum set accompanies. Lead trombone plays for Bon Iver. These guys are all insanely talented and experienced. Some amazing soloing. They incorporate some hip-hop and other vocals. Most of their stuff is very high-energy.

*****1. (4:20) Upbeat, fast. Title track, great dance-jazz-funk fusion. Cool, fast hip-hop towards end. Dynamic.
****2. (4:00) FCC "take no shit." Nawlins brass band mixed w/rock feel. Good vocals. Amazing trombone solos towards the end.
***3. (3:31) Some hip-hop, good solo-ing.
**4. (3:11) Very fast. Alright jazz. Dynamic.
*5. (0:27) Weird reverbed talking and drum beat.
*****6. (5:00) Decent, consistent vocals. Changes pace midway. Great sax solo!
**7. (1:08) Fade-in, fade-out, cool jam
**8. (2:35) Ominous, slow bass line. Awesome, fast percussion accompanies. Speeds up DRAMATICALLY. Just kinda weird.
*****9. (4:40) Upbeat but medium speed. Wonderfully DYNAMIC, gritty, funky. Cool, fun horn licks. Great solos.
*****10. (5:03) Great cover! Intro like a badass marching band drum line. Then much more appropriate dance feel. Great solos.
*11. (0:37) Just some horn jam w weird effects at the end.
****12. (5:20) Intro is like a chain gang work song, adds awesome rock brass band feel. Uses car sounds. Transitions into a different song. Hip-hop at end. Ends with more noise.

Track Listing
1. Rva All Day   7. Interstellarlude #2
2. Run Around   8. Iron Palm
3. Git It Awn!   9. Jalapenos On The Side
4. Infamous   10. Thriller
5. Interstellarlude #1   11. Interstellarlude #3
6. Love Seat   12. Meat Wagon