Cloud Nothings / Here And Nowhere Else
Album: Here And Nowhere Else   Collection:General
Artist:Cloud Nothings   Added:Mar 2014
Label:Carpark Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-04-04 Pull Date: 2014-06-06
Week Ending: Jun 8 Jun 1 May 25 May 18 May 11 May 4 Apr 27 Apr 20
Airplays: 1 3 5 2 3 4 4 2

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 04, 2014: Meow After Midnight
I'm Not Part Of Me
4. May 26, 2014: Box of Chocolates
Just See Fear
2. May 30, 2014: A Visit From Drum
Psychic Trauma
5. May 24, 2014: Live Your Life
Now Hear In
3. May 28, 2014: A Family Affair
Pattern Walks
6. May 23, 2014: A Visit From Drum
Psychic Trauma

Album Review
DJ Away
Reviewed 2014-03-30
Attack on Memory, Cloud Nothings’ last album, was a roaring 2000 mph pop-punk fastball out of left field from someone who’d previously been known for catchy pop songs. Here and Nowhere Else is a masterful refinement of Attack’s aggression—even more unrelenting and pointed, like a high-power firehouse. All songs are super fast and super amazing. Particular favorites: 1, 7, 8. FCC WARNING: 6.

1. *(3:31)—Crunchy, heavy on the low-end. Speeds up during the choruses. There are harmonies! And they’re good! And check out that intense bridge!
2. (3:04)—Anthemic, jumps between minor and major key. What if everyone in The Strokes had an adrenaline rush and started caring about the quality of their music? Here you go.
3. (2:53)—Starts slowly, picks up suddenly. Particularly angsty and screamy. Bonkers drumming at the end.
4. (3:09)—Okay, remember what I said about The Strokes two tracks ago? Forget them entirely. Just play this instead.
5. (3:49)—Heavy riffage on the verses. The choruses sound like the band’s about to launch a missile (riding up that fretboard).
6. (3:05)—FCC WARNING. Bouncy, frustrated. Tortured repetition of the line, “I don’t even talk about it.”
7. *(7:24)—Starts as an ultra jagged, noisy pop-punk anthem. About halfway through, turns into this dissonant and high-octane Glenn Branca thing, which then mutates into a freaking gorgeous and triumphant coda.
8. *(4:35)—Especially poppy, just a bit slower. Excellent chorus. This song is so catchy it may induce mild headaches and nausea upon withdrawl (this is a good thing, by the way).

Track Listing
1. Now Hear In   5. Giving Into Seeing
2. Quieter Today   6. No Thoughts
3. Psychic Trauma   7. Pattern Walks
4. Just See Fear   8. I'm Not Part Of Me