Kishi Bashi / Lighght
Album: Lighght   Collection:General
Artist:Kishi Bashi   Added:May 2014
Label:Joyful Noise  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2014-05-30 Pull Date: 2014-08-01
Week Ending: Jun 15 Jun 8 Jun 1
Airplays: 2 4 1

Recent Airplay
1. Jun 19, 2014: Cashews, Pistachios,
Q & A
4. Jun 07, 2014: BravoMarco Variety Show
Debut - Improptu
2. Jun 13, 2014: Time Traveler
The Ballad Of Mr. Steak
5. Jun 06, 2014: A Visit From Drum (Best of 2014)
Once Upon A Lucid Dream (In Afrikaans)
3. Jun 11, 2014: A Family Affair
Q & A
6. Jun 06, 2014: Time Traveler (National Doughnut Day)
Carry On The Phenomenom

Album Review
Reviewed 2014-05-28
Kishi Bashi

Reviewed by BravoMarco

Second release by multi talented Seattle native, Kaoru Ishibashi.

Lots of violins, percussion, all wrapped up with an experimental edge to it. Violin influenced electro pop. Elements of classical, experimental & a fair amount of pure pop. Some work better than others – Can’t knock the imaginative track titles.

Liking 1, 6, (both instrumentals)

No FCC’s

1) Debut- Impromptu (0.48) Violin whirl of delight that could have lasted for hours…
2) Philosophize In It! Chemicalize With It! (3.21) Big sound with lots going on. The mellower moments make it for me (which isn’t for long enough)
3) The Ballad Of Mr Steak (3.19) An upbeat pop track – Weakest for me.
4) Carry On Phenomenon (4.04) Similar to above, up-tempo. Not enough of the lovely orchestral flourishes.
5) Bittersweet Genesis For Him AND Here (3.33) Different softer approach to the sound & vocals – A more delicate feel.
6) Impromptu No 1(0.59) A whirlitzer of sound – A too short go round the carousel.
7) Q & A (3.12) Folkier jolly sound. Get your shorts on, singing round the bonfire.
8) Once Upon A Lucid Dream (In Afrikaans) (4.06) Lots of influences here – Pretty busy throughout. Elements of it are great – Then it goes off into other directions.
9) Hahaha Pt 1 (2.42) Violin loops lead the way – A very summery track, maybe the single release?
10) Hahaha Pt 2 (4.01) Also has that summer feel to it. Very Californian. Funk based energy & quality. Would like an instrumental version.
11) In Fantasia (7.10) Moodier finale. Has that 60’s psychedelic quality to it, mixed invitingly with nice orchestral touches. Will have its fans on KZSU for sure.

Track Listing
1. Debut - Improptu   7. Q & A
2. Philosphize In It! Chemicalize With It!   8. Once Upon A Lucid Dream (In Afrikaans)
3. The Ballad Of Mr. Steak   9. Hababa Pt1
4. Carry On The Phenomenom   10. Hababa Pt2
5. Bittersweet Genesis For Him And Her   11. In Fantasia
6. Improptu No 1   .