Black Keys, the / Thickfreakness
Album: Thickfreakness   Collection:General
Artist:Black Keys, the   Added:May 2003
Label:Fat Possum Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-06-09 Pull Date: 2003-08-11
Week Ending: Aug 10 Aug 3 Jul 20 Jul 13 Jul 6 Jun 29 Jun 22 Jun 15
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Recent Airplay
1. Dec 07, 2023: Eclectic Circus
Hard Row
4. Apr 17, 2013: Finger Licking Good
Hard Row
2. May 05, 2014: Box of Chocolates
5. May 18, 2012: The Songsmith Show
3. May 01, 2013: Finger Licking Good
Hurt Like Mine
6. Mar 11, 2012: Air Demo
Hard Row

Album Review
Katie P.
Reviewed 2003-05-29
The Black Keys "Thickfreakness" - This is the 2nd album put out by this duo. It's blues, it's rock, it's garage, and it will kick your ass. All songs have that rough and raw garage rock sound with varying levels of blues and soul influence. Vocals are really raw and are great. Drums are solid and that fuzzed out guitar just wails!! Oh man, I fell in love with this album right away and just can't get enough. Every single song is good. Turn up the volume and play it loud!!!!
My Picks: 1, 2, 5, 7, 11
Katie P. 5/29/03

1) Starts with searing guitar. Then falls into a dragging midtempo bluesy stroll. Very raw and crunchy sounding, raw vocals. Damn, that guitar is nice.
2) A nice fast midtempo with a great bluesy/rock feel . Great vocals on this.
3) A little more uptempo. Nice pounding drums and fuzzed out guitar and vocals. Much more of a garage rock feel on this one.
4) Slower to start and falls into a solid midtempo. Lighter guitar, but it's still plenty fuzzed out. Feels like garagey soul music during the vocals and then hits the rough rock guitar for interludes.
5) Oooo, solid garage guitar. Way fuzzed out. This is totally groovy too. Damn!!!
6) Starts with quiet drums in a solid midtempo walk. Adds guitar with a definite Chicago-blues influenced riff. This one is very bluesy and quite nice.
7) This is a Junior Kimbrough cover. Slower rambling blues guitar to start and then it slowly finds a beat. Sort of dragging midtempo. They definitely get the Junior Kimbrough style down with maybe a little more distortion, but it's nice. Serious blues here.
8) Hard guitar hits that fall into a fast midtempo walk. More of a rock feel on this one.
9) Oh yeah, this is a nice blues riff. Fast midtempo that definitely grooves.
10) Starts with some serious blues guitar. Slower dragging midtempo, but then it picks up to a solid midtempo. Classic sounding blues riff.
11) Slower and quiet at the beginning. Kind of a creeping beat. Wow, this is really nice. Stays quiet the whole song.

Track Listing
1. Thickfreakness   7. Everywhere I Go
2. Hard Row   8. No Trust
3. Set You Free   9. If You See Me
4. Midnight in Her Eyes   10. Hold Me in Your Arms
5. Have Love Will Travel   11. I Cry Alone
6. Hurt Like Mine   .