Mahal, Taj / Real Thing, the
Album: Real Thing, the   Collection:Blues 12"
Artist:Mahal, Taj   Added:Jun 2005

Recent Airplay
1. May 17, 2014: blues with a feelin'
You Ain't no Street Walker
3. Jun 18, 2011: The Songsmith Show
Going Up to the Country and
2. Jul 15, 2011: The Songsmith Show
Going Up to the Country and

Track Listing
1. Fishin' Blues   6. You're Going to Need Somebod
2. Ain't Gwine to Whistle   7. Tom and Sally Drake
3. Sweet Mama Janisse   8. John, Ain't It Hard
4. Going Up to the Country and   9. You Ain't no Street Walker
5. Big Kneed Gal   10. Mama, Honey but I Do Lovet