Cant / Dreams Come True
Album: Dreams Come True   Collection:General
Artist:Cant   Added:Dec 2011
Label:Terrible Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-01-08 Pull Date: 2012-03-11 Charts: RPM/Electronica
Week Ending: Feb 26 Feb 19 Feb 12 Feb 5 Jan 29 Jan 22 Jan 15
Airplays: 1 2 3 2 1 2 1

Recent Airplay
1. May 21, 2014: A Family Affair
The Edge
4. Feb 16, 2012: Nathin' To Do
Too Late, Too Far
2. Jun 30, 2012: Modern Donkey
Rises Silent
5. Feb 15, 2012: The Fall of Math
3. Feb 21, 2012: Audiovault without Ins
Rises Silent
6. Feb 10, 2012: InAcrossAwayFromMe

Album Review
Deniz Cebenoyan
Reviewed 2011-12-24
CANT/ “Dreams Come True” / Terrible Records

Bass player/producer from Grizzly Bear’s solo album. Really fantastic album. Vocal stylings/synths/production reminiscent a bit of Animal Collective. Each song is truly great, I feel like I’d have a different favorite every few times I listen. Lots of synths, whispery vocals, layered loops. Lots going on in almost every song, but it rarely sounds overpowering or too busy. Definitely worth many listens/plays.

No FCCs detected. Favorites include: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10

1. *4:07 Scraping synths, cool hollow bass melody, blossoms into loads of synths, layered vocals. Grabs you, makes you excited for the rest of the album.
2. *4:10 Slow beat, looped sweeping ambient synth, electric bass. Like an electronic slow dance. Builds really nicely vocally to end.
3. 3:37 Sexy! Sounds like electronic indie rock sex-you-up music. Slow synths, “just love me”s, I feel like swaying all sultrily.
4. *4:20 Very gentle nice vocals, solitary strumming of string instrument, ambient synths in back. Grizzly Bear in him comes out here. Beat comes in second half,
5. 0:54 Sparse, slightly off-tune piano. Great dramatic open chords. I half expect Rufus Wainwright to jump in at any second.
6. 4:58 Strummed clean electric guitar, high whispery vocals. Distorted guitar comes in in earnest halfway through.
7. 4:10 Nice uptempo trancy dancy electronic, great slow bass melody in background.
8. 4:18 Midtempo, synth layers, distorted deep spooky robotic vocals like a slightly less metallic “Trans Europe Express”.
9. *4:39 Very good chord choices, nice chord resolutions, intermittent heavy synth drumming, minimal layered vocals. Sounds like looking over a busy city at night.
10. *2:08 Steady piano repeated chords, nice harmony with vocals. Sad, longing, pretty but short closer. Makes you want to listen to everything all over again.
Deniz Cebenoyan

Track Listing
1. Too Late, Too Far   6. She Found A Way Out
2. Believe   7. Answer
3. The Edge   8. Dreams Come True
4. Bang   9. Rises Silent
5. (Broken Collar)   10. Bericht